Estimating Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

In this exercise we’ll use data from the 2018 US Current Population Survey (CPS) to try and estimate the effect of being a woman on workplace compensation.

Note that our focus will be only on differential compensation in the work place, and as a result it is important to bear in mind that our estimates are not estimates of all forms of gender discrimination. For example, these analyses will not account for things like gender discrimination in terms of getting jobs. We’ll discuss this in more detail below.

Exercise 1:

Begin by downloading and importing 2018 CPS data from The file is called morg18.dta and is a Stata dataset. Additional data on the dataset can be found by following the links in the README.txt file in the folder, but for the moment it is sufficient to know this is a national survey run in the United States.

The survey does include some survey weights we won’t be using (i.e. not everyone in the sample was included with the same probability), so the numbers we estimate will not be perfect estimates of the gender wage gap in the United States, but they are pretty close.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

cps = pd.read_stata(

Exercise 2:

Because our interest is only in-the-workplace wage discrimination among full-time workers, we need to start by subsetting our data for people currently employed (and “at work”, not “absent”) at the time of this survey using the lfsr94 variable, who are employed full time (meaning that their usual hours per week—uhourse—is 35 or above).

As noted above, this analysis will miss many forms of gender discrimination. For example, in dropping anyone who isn’t working, we immediately lose any women who couldn’t get jobs, or who chose to lose the workforce because the wages they were offered (which were likely lower than those offered men) were lower than they were willing / could accept. And in focusing on full time employees, we miss the fact women may not be offered full time jobs at the same rate as men.

cps = cps[cps.lfsr94 == "Employed-At Work"]
cps = cps[cps.uhourse >= 35]

hhid intmonth hurespli hrhtype minsamp hrlonglk hrsample hrhhid2 serial hhnum ... ym_file ym ch02 ch35 ch613 ch1417 ch05 ihigrdc docc00 dind02
2 000110339935453 January 1.0 Unmarried civilian female primary fam householder MIS 4 MIS 2-4 Or MIS 6-8 (link To 0701 07011 1 1 ... 696 693 0 0 0 1 0 12.0 Office and administrative support occupations Health care services , except hospitals
3 000110339935453 January 1.0 Unmarried civilian female primary fam householder MIS 4 MIS 2-4 Or MIS 6-8 (link To 0701 07011 1 1 ... 696 693 0 0 0 0 0 12.0 Office and administrative support occupations Administrative and support services
4 000110359424339 January 1.0 Unmarried civilian female primary fam householder MIS 4 MIS 2-4 Or MIS 6-8 (link To 0711 07111 1 1 ... 696 693 0 0 0 0 0 NaN Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations Hospitals
6 000110651278174 January 1.0 Civilian male primary individual MIS 8 MIS 2-4 Or MIS 6-8 (link To 0601 06011 1 1 ... 696 681 0 0 0 0 0 12.0 Transportation and material moving occupations Transportation and warehousing
17 007680515071194 January 1.0 Civilian male primary individual MIS 8 MIS 2-4 Or MIS 6-8 (link To 0611 06112 2 2 ... 696 681 0 0 0 0 0 12.0 Transportation and material moving occupations Retail trade

5 rows × 98 columns

Exercise 3

Now let’s estimate the basic wage gap for the United States!

Earnings per week worked can be found in the earnwke variable. Using the variable sex (1=Male, 2=Female), estimate the gender wage gap in terms of wages per hour worked!

(You may also find it helpful, for context, to estimate the average hourly pay by dividing weekly pay by uhourse.)

cps["female"] = ( == 2).astype("int")
cps["implied_hourly_wages"] = cps["earnwke"] / cps["uhourse"]
mean_female = cps[cps.female == 1].earnwke.mean()
mean_male = cps[cps.female == 0].earnwke.mean()
avg = cps.earnwke.mean()

print(f"avg weekly wage for women is {mean_female:.2f}")
print(f"avg weekly wage for men is {mean_male:.2f}")
print(f"weekly gender wage gap is {mean_male - mean_female:.2f} dollars,")
print(f"a difference of {(mean_male - mean_female)/avg:.1%}")

avg weekly wage for women is 985.68
avg weekly wage for men is 1204.73
weekly gender wage gap is 219.05 dollars,
a difference of 19.8%
print(f"avg hourly wage is AROUND {mean_female/40:.2f} for women")
print(f"avg hourly wage is AROUND {mean_male/40:.2f} for men")
avg hourly wage is AROUND 24.64 for women
avg hourly wage is AROUND 30.12 for men

Exercise 4

Assuming 48 work weeks in a year, calculate annual earnings for men and women. Report the difference in dollars and in percentage terms.

cps["annual_earnings"] = cps["earnwke"] * 48
mean_female = cps[cps.female == 1].annual_earnings.mean()
mean_male = cps[cps.female == 0].annual_earnings.mean()
avg = cps.annual_earnings.mean()

print(f"On average men who work full time earn {mean_male:,.2f} dollars a year")
print(f"On average women who work full time earn {mean_female:,.2f} dollars a year")
print(f"annual gender wage gap is {mean_male - mean_female:,.2f} dollars,")
print(f"a difference of {(mean_male - mean_female) / avg:.2%}")

On average men who work full time earn 57,827.22 dollars a year
On average women who work full time earn 47,312.79 dollars a year
annual gender wage gap is 10,514.44 dollars,
a difference of 19.82%

Exercise 5

We just compared all full-time working men to all full-time working women. For this to be an accurate causal estimate of the effect of being a woman in the work place, what must be true of these two groups? What is one reason that this may not be true?

# That men and women have the same potential outcomes,
# meaning that if the men suddenly swapped genders, they'd
# make what women make now.

# This doesn't work if, for example, men have higher educations,
# or if the men in the sample are older (and thus have more work)
# experience.

Exercise 6

One answer to the second part of Exercise 5 is that working women are likely to be younger, since a larger portion of younger women are entering the workforce as compared to older generations.

To control for this difference, let’s now regress annual earnings on gender, age, and age-squared (the relationship between age and income is generally non-linear). What is the implied average annual wage difference between women and men? Is it different from your raw estimate?

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

cps["age_squared"] = cps.age**2
smf.ols("annual_earnings ~ female + age+ age_squared", cps).fit().summary()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: annual_earnings R-squared: 0.060
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.060
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 2625.
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 14:15:21 Log-Likelihood: -1.4441e+06
No. Observations: 122603 AIC: 2.888e+06
Df Residuals: 122599 BIC: 2.888e+06
Df Model: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 3.833e+04 315.241 121.587 0.000 3.77e+04 3.89e+04
female -1.062e+04 181.123 -58.641 0.000 -1.1e+04 -1.03e+04
age 456.6349 6.839 66.766 0.000 443.230 470.040
age_squared -0.2740 1.241 -0.221 0.825 -2.706 2.158
Omnibus: 18297.323 Durbin-Watson: 1.733
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 27620.546
Skew: 1.110 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 3.692 Cond. No. 269.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Exercise 7

In running this regression and interpreting the coefficient on female, what is the implicit comparison you are making? In other words, when we run this regression and interpreting the coefficient on female, we’re basically pretending we are comparing two groups and assuming they are counter-factuals for one another. What are these two groups?

# We are implicitly comparing men and women OF THE SAME AGE.

Exercise 8

Now let’s add to our regression an indicator variable for whether the respondent has at least graduated high school, and an indicator for whether the respondent at least has a BA.

In answering this question, use the following table of codes for the variable grade92.

Education is coded as follows:

CPS Educ Codes

cps["has_highschool"] = cps.grade92 >= 39
cps["has_ba"] = cps.grade92 >= 43
m_educ = smf.ols("annual_earnings ~ female + age + age_squared + has_highschool + has_ba", cps).fit()

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: annual_earnings R-squared: 0.259
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.259
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 8573.
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 14:15:21 Log-Likelihood: -1.4296e+06
No. Observations: 122603 AIC: 2.859e+06
Df Residuals: 122597 BIC: 2.859e+06
Df Model: 5
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 1.579e+04 420.146 37.577 0.000 1.5e+04 1.66e+04
has_highschool[T.True] 1.373e+04 344.678 39.840 0.000 1.31e+04 1.44e+04
has_ba[T.True] 2.756e+04 167.116 164.937 0.000 2.72e+04 2.79e+04
female -1.3e+04 161.440 -80.496 0.000 -1.33e+04 -1.27e+04
age 445.9737 6.074 73.426 0.000 434.069 457.878
age_squared -0.3958 1.102 -0.359 0.719 -2.555 1.763
Omnibus: 14257.428 Durbin-Watson: 1.849
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 20565.673
Skew: 0.890 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 3.926 Cond. No. 481.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Exercise 9

In running this regression and interpreting the coefficient on female, what is the implicit comparison you are making? In other words, when we run this regression and interpreting the coefficient on female, we are once more basically pretending we are comparing two groups and assuming they are counter-factuals for one another. What are these two groups?

# Men and women of the same age and educational attainment

Exercise 10

Given how the coefficient on female has changed between Exercise 6 and Exercise 8, what can you infer about the educational attainment of the women in your survey data (as compared to the educational attainment of men)?

# Given there are positive returns to education,
# if controlling for education results in the female penalty increasing,
# that implies that women have higher educations.
# As a result, if we *don't* control for education,
# their wages look more fair than they should be.

Exercise 11

What does that tell you about the potential outcomes of men and women before you added education as a control?

# They were substantially different!
# In particular, looks like women in the work force had greater educational
# levels, and so had higher wages in all states of the world.

Exercise 12

Finally, let’s include fixed effects for the type of job held by each respondent.

Fixed effects are a method used when we have a nested data structure in which respondents belong to groups, and those groups may all be subject to different pressures. In this context, for example, we can add fixed effects for the industry of each respondent—since wages often vary across industries, controlling for industry is likely to improve our estimates. Use ind02 to control for industry.

(Note that fixed effects are very similar in principle to hierarchical models. There are some differences you will read about for our next class, but they are designed to serve the same role, just with slightly different mechanics).

When we add fixed effects for groups like this, our interpretation of the other coefficients changes. Whereas in previous exercises we were trying to explain variation in men and women’s wages across all respondents, we are now effectively comparing men and women’s wages within each employment sector. Our coefficient on female, in other words, now tells us how much less (on average) we would expect a woman to be paid than a man within the same industry, not across all respondents.

(Note that running this regression will result in lots of coefficients popping up you don’t care about. We’ll introduce some more efficient methods for adding fixed effects that aren’t so messy in a later class – for now, you can ignore those coefficients!)

m_industry = smf.ols(
    "annual_earnings ~ female + age + age_squared + has_highschool + has_ba + C(ind02)", cps

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: annual_earnings R-squared: 0.309
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.308
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 208.0
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2023 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00
Time: 14:15:25 Log-Likelihood: -1.4253e+06
No. Observations: 122603 AIC: 2.851e+06
Df Residuals: 122339 BIC: 2.854e+06
Df Model: 263
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 1.1e+04 1138.124 9.662 0.000 8766.093 1.32e+04
has_highschool[T.True] 1.116e+04 342.325 32.593 0.000 1.05e+04 1.18e+04
has_ba[T.True] 2.484e+04 178.336 139.276 0.000 2.45e+04 2.52e+04
C(ind02)[T.Animal production (112)] -857.9634 1701.897 -0.504 0.614 -4193.652 2477.726
C(ind02)[T.Forestry except logging (1131, 1132)] 923.8666 3722.793 0.248 0.804 -6372.745 8220.478
C(ind02)[T.Logging (1133)] 5656.2100 2999.270 1.886 0.059 -222.309 1.15e+04
C(ind02)[T.Fishing, hunting, and trapping (114)] 3510.2980 4528.918 0.775 0.438 -5366.306 1.24e+04
C(ind02)[T.Support activities for agriculture and forestry (115)] 6207.2024 2760.458 2.249 0.025 796.750 1.16e+04
C(ind02)[T.Oil and gas extraction (211)] 3.392e+04 3072.516 11.040 0.000 2.79e+04 3.99e+04
C(ind02)[T.Coal mining (2121)] 2.528e+04 2550.842 9.910 0.000 2.03e+04 3.03e+04
C(ind02)[T.Metal ore mining (2122)] 3.384e+04 4184.931 8.087 0.000 2.56e+04 4.2e+04
C(ind02)[T.Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying (2123)] 1.538e+04 2391.495 6.431 0.000 1.07e+04 2.01e+04
C(ind02)[T.Support activities for mining (213)] 2.773e+04 1513.225 18.325 0.000 2.48e+04 3.07e+04
C(ind02)[T.Electric power generation, transmission and distribution (Pt. 2211)] 2.162e+04 1437.245 15.040 0.000 1.88e+04 2.44e+04
C(ind02)[T.Natural gas distribution (Pt.s2212)] 1.588e+04 2480.013 6.403 0.000 1.1e+04 2.07e+04
C(ind02)[T.Electric and gas, and other combinations (Pts. 2211, 2212)] 2.171e+04 2685.044 8.086 0.000 1.64e+04 2.7e+04
C(ind02)[T.Water, steam, air-conditioning, and irrigation systems (22131, 22133)] 5944.3370 1982.015 2.999 0.003 2059.620 9829.054
C(ind02)[T.Sewage treatment facilities (22132)] 8219.6616 3000.599 2.739 0.006 2338.538 1.41e+04
C(ind02)[T.Not specified utilities (Part of 22)] 1.986e+04 5880.719 3.377 0.001 8332.241 3.14e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Construction (23)] 1.056e+04 1126.250 9.372 0.000 8347.899 1.28e+04
C(ind02)[T.Animal food, grain and oilseed milling (3111, 3112)] 1e+04 2351.456 4.254 0.000 5394.350 1.46e+04
C(ind02)[T.Sugar and confectionery products (3113)] 4619.8933 3087.078 1.497 0.135 -1430.728 1.07e+04
C(ind02)[T.Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing (3114)] 2238.7515 2458.725 0.911 0.363 -2580.309 7057.812
C(ind02)[T.Dairy product manufacturing (3115)] 6859.3658 2203.149 3.113 0.002 2541.231 1.12e+04
C(ind02)[T.Animal slaughtering and processing (3116)] 313.8284 1545.695 0.203 0.839 -2715.709 3343.366
C(ind02)[T.Retail bakeries (311811)] -1774.8294 2453.657 -0.723 0.469 -6583.957 3034.298
C(ind02)[T.Bakeries, except retail (3118 exc. 311811)] 2000.4588 2350.964 0.851 0.395 -2607.392 6608.309
C(ind02)[T.Seafood and other miscellaneous foods, n.e.c. (3117, 3119)] 9160.3042 2207.811 4.149 0.000 4833.031 1.35e+04
C(ind02)[T.Not specified food industries (Part of 311)] 2859.0902 3663.846 0.780 0.435 -4321.988 1e+04
C(ind02)[T.Beverage manufacturing (3121)] 9058.7802 1956.764 4.629 0.000 5223.555 1.29e+04
C(ind02)[T.Tobacco manufacturing (3122)] 1.29e+04 7325.887 1.761 0.078 -1456.571 2.73e+04
C(ind02)[T.Fiber, yarn, and thread mills (3131)] 5169.8050 8640.137 0.598 0.550 -1.18e+04 2.21e+04
C(ind02)[T.Fabric mills, except knitting (3132 exc. 31324)] 3205.4471 3167.797 1.012 0.312 -3003.383 9414.277
C(ind02)[T.Textile and fabric finishing and coating mills (3133)] -2429.8272 8244.803 -0.295 0.768 -1.86e+04 1.37e+04
C(ind02)[T.Carpet and rug mills (31411)] 1980.1664 3750.706 0.528 0.598 -5371.155 9331.488
C(ind02)[T.Textile product mills, except carpets and rugs (314 exc. 31411)] 3206.0346 3374.183 0.950 0.342 -3407.309 9819.378
C(ind02)[T.Knitting mills (31324, 3151)] -5465.8039 6312.874 -0.866 0.387 -1.78e+04 6907.324
C(ind02)[T.Cut and sew apparel manufacturing (3152)] 3536.0852 2485.987 1.422 0.155 -1336.409 8408.579
C(ind02)[T.Apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing (3159)] 1030.1607 9100.133 0.113 0.910 -1.68e+04 1.89e+04
C(ind02)[T.Footwear manufacturing (3162)] 1.478e+04 5328.848 2.774 0.006 4338.963 2.52e+04
C(ind02)[T.Leather tanning and products, except footwear manufacturing (3161, 3169)] 2374.0553 6157.364 0.386 0.700 -9694.277 1.44e+04
C(ind02)[T.Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills (3221)] 1.264e+04 2106.098 6.001 0.000 8510.136 1.68e+04
C(ind02)[T.Paperboard containers and boxes (32221)] 6252.9113 3000.065 2.084 0.037 372.834 1.21e+04
C(ind02)[T.Miscellaneous paper and pulp products (32222,32223, 32229)] 7723.9346 3395.911 2.274 0.023 1068.006 1.44e+04
C(ind02)[T.Printing and related support activities (3231)] 3648.2945 1712.899 2.130 0.033 291.041 7005.548
C(ind02)[T.Petroleum refining (32411)] 2.739e+04 2234.392 12.258 0.000 2.3e+04 3.18e+04
C(ind02)[T.Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products (32419)] 8945.7389 5426.048 1.649 0.099 -1689.225 1.96e+04
C(ind02)[T.Resin, synthetic rubber and fibers, and filaments manufacturing (3252)] 7943.2560 2408.706 3.298 0.001 3222.232 1.27e+04
C(ind02)[T.Agricultural chemical manufacturing (3253)] 1.754e+04 4474.945 3.919 0.000 8765.223 2.63e+04
C(ind02)[T.Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing (3254)] 2.377e+04 1600.000 14.859 0.000 2.06e+04 2.69e+04
C(ind02)[T.Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing B46 (3255)] 1.586e+04 3584.320 4.424 0.000 8831.322 2.29e+04
C(ind02)[T.Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetics manufacturing (3256)] 1.137e+04 2837.464 4.007 0.000 5809.573 1.69e+04
C(ind02)[T.Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals (3251, 3259)] 1.824e+04 1689.131 10.796 0.000 1.49e+04 2.15e+04
C(ind02)[T.Plastics product manufacturing (3261)] 4034.0463 1804.933 2.235 0.025 496.407 7571.686
C(ind02)[T.Tire manufacturing (32621)] 1.298e+04 3637.285 3.570 0.000 5854.919 2.01e+04
C(ind02)[T.Rubber products, except tires, manufacturing (32622, 32629)] 3975.2268 3134.628 1.268 0.205 -2168.593 1.01e+04
C(ind02)[T.Pottery, ceramics, and related products manufacturing (32711)] 2984.4031 6013.897 0.496 0.620 -8802.735 1.48e+04
C(ind02)[T.Structural clay product manufacturing (32712)] -2829.7680 5638.275 -0.502 0.616 -1.39e+04 8221.158
C(ind02)[T.Glass and glass product manufacturing (3272)] 2191.7411 2614.267 0.838 0.402 -2932.179 7315.661
C(ind02)[T.Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum product manufacturing (3273, 3274)] 6765.1364 2187.080 3.093 0.002 2478.496 1.11e+04
C(ind02)[T.Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (3279)] 3390.5201 3013.413 1.125 0.261 -2515.720 9296.760
C(ind02)[T.Iron and steel mills and steel product manufacturing (3311, 3312)] 1.098e+04 1963.280 5.593 0.000 7132.298 1.48e+04
C(ind02)[T.Aluminum production and processing (3313)] 1.307e+04 3558.601 3.674 0.000 6098.082 2e+04
C(ind02)[T.Nonferrous metal, except aluminum, production and processing (3314)] 9701.8019 3984.849 2.435 0.015 1891.565 1.75e+04
C(ind02)[T.Foundries (3315)] 5445.2055 3417.223 1.593 0.111 -1252.495 1.21e+04
C(ind02)[T.Metal forgings and stampings (3321)] 1715.0691 3721.741 0.461 0.645 -5579.481 9009.619
C(ind02)[T.Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing (3322)] 8808.3925 4913.272 1.793 0.073 -821.539 1.84e+04
C(ind02)[T.Structural metals, and tank and shipping container manufacturing (3323, 3324)] 7136.9478 1831.804 3.896 0.000 3546.641 1.07e+04
C(ind02)[T.Machine shops; turned product; screw, nut and bolt manufacturing (3327)] 3821.6903 1968.136 1.942 0.052 -35.824 7679.204
C(ind02)[T.Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities (3328)] 5874.3997 3353.101 1.752 0.080 -697.623 1.24e+04
C(ind02)[T.Ordnance (332992 to 332995)] 1.139e+04 3395.981 3.355 0.001 4738.487 1.81e+04
C(ind02)[T.Miscellaneous fabricated metal products manufacturing (3325, 3326, 3329 exc. 332992, 332993, 332994, 332995)] 5931.6094 1880.960 3.154 0.002 2244.958 9618.261
C(ind02)[T.Not specified metal industries (Part of 331 and 332)] 4324.5660 6013.300 0.719 0.472 -7461.402 1.61e+04
C(ind02)[T.Agricultural implement manufacturing (33311)] 1.009e+04 2528.560 3.990 0.000 5132.472 1.5e+04
C(ind02)[T.Construction, mining and oil field machinery manufacturing (33312, 33313)] 1.421e+04 2319.973 6.126 0.000 9664.880 1.88e+04
C(ind02)[T.3095.0] 1.177e+04 3463.039 3.399 0.001 4982.577 1.86e+04
C(ind02)[T.Metalworking machinery manufacturing (3335)] 6886.4830 2648.915 2.600 0.009 1694.653 1.21e+04
C(ind02)[T.Engines, turbines, and power transmission equipment manufacturing (3336)] 8186.2951 3879.288 2.110 0.035 582.955 1.58e+04
C(ind02)[T.Machinery manufacturing, n.e.c. (3332, 3334, 3339)] 9758.8177 1508.837 6.468 0.000 6801.522 1.27e+04
C(ind02)[T.3365.0] 2.389e+04 2296.626 10.404 0.000 1.94e+04 2.84e+04
C(ind02)[T.Communications, audio, and video equipment manufacturing (3342, 3343)] 1.728e+04 2782.801 6.209 0.000 1.18e+04 2.27e+04
C(ind02)[T.Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing (3345)] 1.876e+04 2124.376 8.831 0.000 1.46e+04 2.29e+04
C(ind02)[T.Electronic component and product manufacturing, n.e.c. (3344, 3346)] 1.893e+04 1535.546 12.329 0.000 1.59e+04 2.19e+04
C(ind02)[T.Household appliance manufacturing (3352)] 9869.3063 3353.826 2.943 0.003 3295.862 1.64e+04
C(ind02)[T.Electrical lighting, equipment, and supplies manufacturing, n.e.c. (3351, 3353, 3359)] 1.092e+04 1853.909 5.889 0.000 7284.789 1.46e+04
C(ind02)[T.Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment manufacturing (3361, 3362, 3363)] 8944.8727 1319.334 6.780 0.000 6359.000 1.15e+04
C(ind02)[T.Aircraft and parts manufacturing (336411 to 336413)] 1.999e+04 1454.798 13.743 0.000 1.71e+04 2.28e+04
C(ind02)[T.Aerospace products and parts manufacturing (336414, 336415, 336419)] 2.932e+04 3846.768 7.622 0.000 2.18e+04 3.69e+04
C(ind02)[T.Railroad rolling stock manufacturing (3365)] 1.102e+04 5066.910 2.174 0.030 1084.983 2.09e+04
C(ind02)[T.Ship and boat building (3366)] 1.141e+04 2207.779 5.166 0.000 7078.222 1.57e+04
C(ind02)[T.Other transportation equipment manufacturing (3369)] 551.8638 4587.002 0.120 0.904 -8438.584 9542.312
C(ind02)[T.Sawmills and wood preservation (3211)] 4960.2021 2367.111 2.095 0.036 320.705 9599.700
C(ind02)[T.Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products (3212)] 5189.9036 4529.115 1.146 0.252 -3687.087 1.41e+04
C(ind02)[T.Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homes (321991, 321992)] 5435.6788 4140.835 1.313 0.189 -2680.288 1.36e+04
C(ind02)[T.3875.0] 3523.3936 2236.979 1.575 0.115 -861.047 7907.834
C(ind02)[T.3895.0] 2156.9836 1762.816 1.224 0.221 -1298.106 5612.073
C(ind02)[T.Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing (3391)] 1.411e+04 1565.907 9.013 0.000 1.1e+04 1.72e+04
C(ind02)[T.Toys, amusement, and sporting goods manufacturing (33992, 33993)] 2138.4970 2826.559 0.757 0.449 -3401.511 7678.505
C(ind02)[T.Miscellaneous manufacturing, n.e.c. (3399 exc. 33992, 33993)] 4899.8913 1693.530 2.893 0.004 1580.601 8219.181
C(ind02)[T.Not specified manufacturing industries (Part of 31, 32, 33)] 2872.9191 2059.422 1.395 0.163 -1163.514 6909.353
C(ind02)[T.** Motor vehicles, parts and supplies, merchant wholesalers (*4231)] 8269.6204 2427.674 3.406 0.001 3511.419 1.3e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Furniture and home furnishing, merchant wholesalers (*4232)] 2706.7603 3878.940 0.698 0.485 -4895.897 1.03e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Lumber and other construction materials, merchant wholesalers (*4233)] 7793.7344 2415.170 3.227 0.001 3060.042 1.25e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Professional and commercial equipment and supplies, merchant wholesalers (*4234)] 1.616e+04 1896.737 8.519 0.000 1.24e+04 1.99e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Metals and minerals, except petroleum, merchant wholesalers (*4235)] -820.2031 4274.842 -0.192 0.848 -9198.823 7558.417
C(ind02)[T.4195.0] 1.076e+04 2213.355 4.860 0.000 6418.786 1.51e+04
C(ind02)[T.4265.0] 7256.2580 2544.043 2.852 0.004 2269.976 1.22e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Machinery, equipment, and supplies, merchant wholesalers (*4238)] 1.16e+04 1831.181 6.333 0.000 8008.173 1.52e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Recyclable material, merchant wholesalers (*42393)] -40.9854 3166.932 -0.013 0.990 -6248.119 6166.148
C(ind02)[T.** Miscellaneous durable goods, merchant wholesalers (*4239 exc. 42393)] 9834.9299 3813.521 2.579 0.010 2360.492 1.73e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Paper and paper products, merchant wholesalers (*4241)] 9631.5826 4061.322 2.372 0.018 1671.460 1.76e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied products, merchant (wholesalerss*4242, 4246)] 1.663e+04 2150.665 7.731 0.000 1.24e+04 2.08e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Apparel, fabrics, and notions, merchant wholesalers (*4243)] 8318.9813 3255.709 2.555 0.011 1937.846 1.47e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Groceries and related products, merchant wholesalers (*4244)] 5788.8515 1461.738 3.960 0.000 2923.870 8653.833
C(ind02)[T.** Farm product raw materials, merchant wholesalers (*4245)] 2950.5444 3014.181 0.979 0.328 -2957.200 8858.289
C(ind02)[T.** Petroleum and petroleum products, merchant wholesalers (*4247)] 1.555e+04 2434.368 6.387 0.000 1.08e+04 2.03e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Alcoholic beverages, merchant wholesalers (*4248)] 5327.6504 2713.196 1.964 0.050 9.831 1.06e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Farm supplies, merchant wholesalers (*42491)] 1.083e+04 3637.204 2.978 0.003 3704.526 1.8e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Miscellaneous (nondurable goods, merchant wholesalerss*4249 exc. 42491)] 5692.3790 2543.921 2.238 0.025 706.336 1.07e+04
C(ind02)[T.*** Wholesale electronic markets, agents and brokers New industry (*4251)] 1193.5585 3485.821 0.342 0.732 -5638.593 8025.711
C(ind02)[T.**Not specified wholesale trade (Part of 42)] 39.3868 4101.098 0.010 0.992 -7998.696 8077.470
C(ind02)[T.Automobile dealers (4411)] 8101.2705 1331.817 6.083 0.000 5490.931 1.07e+04
C(ind02)[T.Other motor vehicle dealers (4412)] 7648.0634 2446.850 3.126 0.002 2852.279 1.24e+04
C(ind02)[T.Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores (4413)] -292.2963 1683.660 -0.174 0.862 -3592.242 3007.649
C(ind02)[T.Furniture and home furnishings stores (442)] 1227.7563 1726.498 0.711 0.477 -2156.151 4611.663
C(ind02)[T.Household appliance stores (443111)] -414.5737 3721.462 -0.111 0.911 -7708.578 6879.431
C(ind02)[T.4795.0] 7784.0374 1730.306 4.499 0.000 4392.667 1.12e+04
C(ind02)[T.Building material and supplies dealers (4441 exc. 44413)] 1277.4693 1425.842 0.896 0.370 -1517.157 4072.095
C(ind02)[T.Hardware stores (44413)] -780.1004 2386.154 -0.327 0.744 -5456.922 3896.721
C(ind02)[T.Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores (4442)] 2166.6162 2082.601 1.040 0.298 -1915.247 6248.479
C(ind02)[T.Grocery stores (4451)] -861.2386 1264.282 -0.681 0.496 -3339.210 1616.732
C(ind02)[T.Specialty food stores (4452)] 2629.8689 2684.313 0.980 0.327 -2631.339 7891.077
C(ind02)[T.Beer, wine, and liquor stores (4453)] 1459.5086 3256.242 0.448 0.654 -4922.672 7841.689
C(ind02)[T.Pharmacies and drug stores (44611)] 8999.4348 1489.512 6.042 0.000 6080.016 1.19e+04
C(ind02)[T.Health and personal care, except drug, stores (446 exc. 44611)] 8283.4951 1951.196 4.245 0.000 4459.183 1.21e+04
C(ind02)[T.Gasoline stations (447)] -1103.5162 1800.890 -0.613 0.540 -4633.231 2426.199
C(ind02)[T.Clothing and accessories, except shoe, stores (448 exc. 44821, 4483)] 2557.3712 1658.422 1.542 0.123 -693.108 5807.850
C(ind02)[T.Shoe stores (44821)] 1941.5779 3418.599 0.568 0.570 -4758.820 8641.976
C(ind02)[T.Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores (4483)] -655.2215 2885.203 -0.227 0.820 -6310.171 4999.728
C(ind02)[T.5275.0] 2639.7650 1915.359 1.378 0.168 -1114.307 6393.836
C(ind02)[T.Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores (45113)] -1.668e+04 7083.373 -2.355 0.019 -3.06e+04 -2800.126
C(ind02)[T.5295.0] -3178.1476 5755.846 -0.552 0.581 -1.45e+04 8103.215
C(ind02)[T.Book stores and news dealers (45121)] -2523.8203 3879.450 -0.651 0.515 -1.01e+04 5079.836
C(ind02)[T.****Department stores and discount stores (s45211)] -2063.7215 1315.181 -1.569 0.117 -4641.454 514.011
C(ind02)[T.Miscellaneous general merchandise stores (4529)] 1100.8602 1773.677 0.621 0.535 -2375.518 4577.238
C(ind02)[T.Retail florists (4531)] -3223.3240 4774.794 -0.675 0.500 -1.26e+04 6135.194
C(ind02)[T.Office supplies and stationery stores (45321)] 5986.0326 2732.642 2.191 0.028 630.101 1.13e+04
C(ind02)[T.Used merchandise stores (4533)] -8427.7584 2908.306 -2.898 0.004 -1.41e+04 -2727.527
C(ind02)[T.Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops (45322)] -3744.5060 3463.670 -1.081 0.280 -1.05e+04 3044.230
C(ind02)[T.Miscellaneous retail stores (4539)] 4518.5257 1904.652 2.372 0.018 785.439 8251.612
C(ind02)[T.*** Electronic shopping (New industry *454111)] 8738.1999 1995.919 4.378 0.000 4826.232 1.27e+04
C(ind02)[T.*** Electronic auctions (New industrys*454112)] 1.616e+04 6663.491 2.426 0.015 3104.219 2.92e+04
C(ind02)[T.** Mail order houses (*454113)] 4505.5161 3722.454 1.210 0.226 -2790.432 1.18e+04
C(ind02)[T.Vending machine operators (4542)] 7982.6144 4587.396 1.740 0.082 -1008.606 1.7e+04
C(ind02)[T.Fuel dealers (45431)] 2713.1999 2986.630 0.908 0.364 -3140.545 8566.945
C(ind02)[T.Other direct selling establishments (45439)] 4085.6284 3751.717 1.089 0.276 -3267.675 1.14e+04
C(ind02)[T.Not specified retail trade (Part of 44, 45)] 533.4490 2046.459 0.261 0.794 -3477.577 4544.475
C(ind02)[T.Air transportation (481)] 1.208e+04 1622.733 7.443 0.000 8898.110 1.53e+04
C(ind02)[T.Rail transportation (482)] 2.337e+04 1954.555 11.956 0.000 1.95e+04 2.72e+04
C(ind02)[T.Water transportation (483)] 1.727e+04 3417.705 5.053 0.000 1.06e+04 2.4e+04
C(ind02)[T.Truck transportation (484)] 7630.0133 1291.362 5.909 0.000 5098.965 1.02e+04
C(ind02)[T.Bus service and urban transit (4851, 4852, 4854, 4855, 4859)] 2458.9145 1719.937 1.430 0.153 -912.134 5829.963
C(ind02)[T.Taxi and limousine service (4853)] -8472.8000 2024.389 -4.185 0.000 -1.24e+04 -4505.031
C(ind02)[T.Pipeline transportation (486)] 2.673e+04 3151.474 8.480 0.000 2.05e+04 3.29e+04
C(ind02)[T.Scenic and sightseeing transportation (487)] -1373.2172 4842.934 -0.284 0.777 -1.09e+04 8118.854
C(ind02)[T.Services incidental to transportation (488)] 8203.6852 1501.200 5.465 0.000 5261.359 1.11e+04
C(ind02)[T.Postal Service (491)] 6028.1519 1553.017 3.882 0.000 2984.264 9072.040
C(ind02)[T.Couriers and messengers (492)] 7625.2671 1573.806 4.845 0.000 4540.634 1.07e+04
C(ind02)[T.Warehousing and storage (493)] -953.2103 1611.585 -0.591 0.554 -4111.891 2205.470
C(ind02)[T.**Newspaper publishers (51111)] 1191.4348 2376.125 0.501 0.616 -3465.730 5848.600
C(ind02)[T.**Publishing, except newspapers and software (5111 exc. 51111)] 1.023e+04 2354.685 4.346 0.000 5617.388 1.48e+04
C(ind02)[T.Software publishing (5112)] 4.297e+04 3296.952 13.032 0.000 3.65e+04 4.94e+04
C(ind02)[T.Motion pictures and video industries (5121)] 1.588e+04 2032.782 7.811 0.000 1.19e+04 1.99e+04
C(ind02)[T.Sound recording industries (5122)] 6398.3136 7083.244 0.903 0.366 -7484.726 2.03e+04
C(ind02)[T.Radio and television broadcasting and cable (5151, 5152, 5175)] 1.177e+04 1620.936 7.263 0.000 8595.397 1.49e+04
C(ind02)[T.Internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals (51913)] 4.618e+04 2601.515 17.750 0.000 4.11e+04 5.13e+04
C(ind02)[T.Wired telecommunications carriers (*5171)] 1.524e+04 1694.045 8.997 0.000 1.19e+04 1.86e+04
C(ind02)[T.Other telecommunications services (*517 exc. 5171, 5175)] 1.515e+04 1711.870 8.849 0.000 1.18e+04 1.85e+04
C(ind02)[T.**** Data processing, hosting, and related services (*5182)] 1.263e+04 3120.484 4.049 0.000 6518.725 1.88e+04
C(ind02)[T.Libraries and archives (*51912)] -4295.1435 2627.519 -1.635 0.102 -9445.037 854.750
C(ind02)[T.Other information services (*5191 exc. 51912)] 1.951e+04 4843.848 4.028 0.000 1e+04 2.9e+04
C(ind02)[T.Banking and related activities (521, 52211,52219)] 1.436e+04 1242.229 11.561 0.000 1.19e+04 1.68e+04
C(ind02)[T.Savings institutions, including credit unions (52212, 52213)] 5783.7155 1896.485 3.050 0.002 2066.637 9500.794
C(ind02)[T.Non-depository credit and related activities (5222, 5223)] 1.814e+04 1415.703 12.810 0.000 1.54e+04 2.09e+04
C(ind02)[T.Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and other financial investments (523, 525)] 2.411e+04 1381.214 17.459 0.000 2.14e+04 2.68e+04
C(ind02)[T.Insurance carriers and related activities (524)] 1.233e+04 1217.406 10.129 0.000 9944.480 1.47e+04
C(ind02)[T.Real estate (531)] 9190.2280 1274.789 7.209 0.000 6691.663 1.17e+04
C(ind02)[T.Automotive equipment rental and leasing (5321)] 2069.0345 2606.882 0.794 0.427 -3040.411 7178.480
C(ind02)[T.Video tape and disk rental (53223)] -3044.6701 1.11e+04 -0.274 0.784 -2.48e+04 1.87e+04
C(ind02)[T.Other consumer goods rental (53221, 53222, 53229, 5323)] 1012.0036 3219.676 0.314 0.753 -5298.507 7322.514
C(ind02)[T.Commercial, industrial, and other intangible assets rental and leasing (5324, 533)] 1.446e+04 2815.344 5.136 0.000 8942.607 2e+04
C(ind02)[T.Legal services (5411)] 2.004e+04 1333.231 15.029 0.000 1.74e+04 2.27e+04
C(ind02)[T.Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services (5412)] 1.386e+04 1453.580 9.533 0.000 1.1e+04 1.67e+04
C(ind02)[T.Architectural, engineering, and related services (5413)] 1.585e+04 1291.229 12.275 0.000 1.33e+04 1.84e+04
C(ind02)[T.Specialized design services (5414)] 6793.0642 2382.495 2.851 0.004 2123.414 1.15e+04
C(ind02)[T.Computer systems design and related services (5415)] 2.509e+04 1205.044 20.819 0.000 2.27e+04 2.74e+04
C(ind02)[T.Management, scientific, and technical consulting services (5416)] 2.045e+04 1371.447 14.910 0.000 1.78e+04 2.31e+04
C(ind02)[T.Scientific research and development services (5417)] 1.997e+04 1515.312 13.178 0.000 1.7e+04 2.29e+04
C(ind02)[T.Advertising and related services (5418)] 1.627e+04 1681.638 9.674 0.000 1.3e+04 1.96e+04
C(ind02)[T.Veterinary services (54194)] 5952.7522 1921.416 3.098 0.002 2186.809 9718.695
C(ind02)[T.Other professional, scientific, and technical services (5419 exc. 54194)] 1.226e+04 2072.437 5.916 0.000 8199.448 1.63e+04
C(ind02)[T.Management of companies and enterprises (551)] 7092.9170 2364.295 3.000 0.003 2458.937 1.17e+04
C(ind02)[T.Employment services (5613)] 5211.0769 1475.563 3.532 0.000 2318.998 8103.156
C(ind02)[T.Business support services (5614)] 2759.4388 1603.633 1.721 0.085 -383.656 5902.533
C(ind02)[T.Travel arrangements and reservation services (5615)] 8363.5104 2115.255 3.954 0.000 4217.646 1.25e+04
C(ind02)[T.Investigation and security services (5616)] 124.6381 1510.520 0.083 0.934 -2835.956 3085.233
C(ind02)[T.** Services to buildings and dwellings (5617 exc. 56173)] -2131.7452 1447.511 -1.473 0.141 -4968.843 705.353
C(ind02)[T.Landscaping services (56173)] -2910.8531 1473.807 -1.975 0.048 -5799.490 -22.216
C(ind02)[T.Other administrative and other support services (5611, 5612, 5619)] 3873.4186 1982.628 1.954 0.051 -12.500 7759.337
C(ind02)[T.Waste management and remediation services (562)] 6367.7567 1659.724 3.837 0.000 3114.725 9620.788
C(ind02)[T.Elementary and secondary schools (6111)] 675.0227 1138.612 0.593 0.553 -1556.638 2906.683
C(ind02)[T.Colleges and universities, including junior colleges (6112, 6113)] 7708.6187 1199.615 6.426 0.000 5357.393 1.01e+04
C(ind02)[T.Business, technical, and trade schools and training (6114, 6115)] 8042.8479 3463.709 2.322 0.020 1254.035 1.48e+04
C(ind02)[T.Other schools, instruction, and educational services (6116, 6117)] 7034.8796 1821.264 3.863 0.000 3465.232 1.06e+04
C(ind02)[T.Offices of physicians (6211)] 1.086e+04 1328.796 8.171 0.000 8253.101 1.35e+04
C(ind02)[T.Offices of dentists (6212)] 7495.9965 1595.142 4.699 0.000 4369.545 1.06e+04
C(ind02)[T.Offices of chiropractors (62131)] 2199.3757 3638.997 0.604 0.546 -4932.997 9331.748
C(ind02)[T.Offices of optometrists (62132)] 3748.7228 2592.982 1.446 0.148 -1333.480 8830.925
C(ind02)[T.Offices of other health practitioners (6213 exc. 62131, 62132)] 4644.4511 2678.775 1.734 0.083 -605.903 9894.805
C(ind02)[T.Outpatient care centers (6214)] 6209.2211 1278.677 4.856 0.000 3703.036 8715.406
C(ind02)[T.Home health care services (6216)] 1292.3263 1418.334 0.911 0.362 -1487.585 4072.237
C(ind02)[T.Other health care services (6215, 6219)] 9278.7353 1326.740 6.994 0.000 6678.347 1.19e+04
C(ind02)[T.Hospitals (622)] 1.12e+04 1143.974 9.789 0.000 8956.347 1.34e+04
C(ind02)[T.Nursing care facilities (6231)] 1585.6208 1312.698 1.208 0.227 -987.246 4158.488
C(ind02)[T.Residential care facilities, without nursing (6232, 6233, 6239)] 107.0647 1470.620 0.073 0.942 -2775.327 2989.456
C(ind02)[T.Individual and family services (6241)] -1112.7260 1334.598 -0.834 0.404 -3728.517 1503.065
C(ind02)[T.Community food and housing, and emergency services (6242)] 3755.9218 2794.994 1.344 0.179 -1722.221 9234.064
C(ind02)[T.Vocational rehabilitation services (6243)] -7802.1419 3375.716 -2.311 0.021 -1.44e+04 -1185.794
C(ind02)[T.Child day care services (6244)] -3177.7836 1434.597 -2.215 0.027 -5989.569 -365.998
C(ind02)[T.Independent artists, performing arts, spectator sports, and related industries (711)] 5905.7767 1907.550 3.096 0.002 2167.011 9644.542
C(ind02)[T.Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similar institutions (712)] -275.4334 1951.106 -0.141 0.888 -4099.570 3548.703
C(ind02)[T.Bowling centers (71395)] -8548.7123 5529.259 -1.546 0.122 -1.94e+04 2288.543
C(ind02)[T.Other amusement, gambling, and recreation industries (713 exc. 71395)] -1693.8607 1324.162 -1.279 0.201 -4289.195 901.474
C(ind02)[T.Traveler accommodation (7211)] -181.2165 1338.645 -0.135 0.892 -2804.939 2442.506
C(ind02)[T.Recreational vehicle parks and camps, and rooming and boarding houses (7212, 7213)] -6767.1990 3417.336 -1.980 0.048 -1.35e+04 -69.278
C(ind02)[T.Restaurants and other food services (722 exc. 7224)] -889.3845 1156.998 -0.769 0.442 -3157.081 1378.312
C(ind02)[T.Drinking places, alcoholic beverages (7224)] -6277.0522 2704.037 -2.321 0.020 -1.16e+04 -977.184
C(ind02)[T.Automotive repair and maintenance (8111 exc. 811192)] 4106.0577 1389.213 2.956 0.003 1383.223 6828.892
C(ind02)[T.Car washes (811192)] -3871.3298 2919.834 -1.326 0.185 -9594.157 1851.497
C(ind02)[T.Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance (8112)] 2980.8832 3202.816 0.931 0.352 -3296.583 9258.350
C(ind02)[T.Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance (8113)] 8898.5347 2072.477 4.294 0.000 4836.514 1.3e+04
C(ind02)[T.Personal and household goods repair and maintenance (8114 exc. 81143)] 4203.0746 3150.862 1.334 0.182 -1972.562 1.04e+04
C(ind02)[T.Barber shops (812111)] -1199.9681 4421.996 -0.271 0.786 -9867.007 7467.071
C(ind02)[T.Beauty salons (812112)] 1135.6788 1777.700 0.639 0.523 -2348.585 4619.942
C(ind02)[T.Nail salons and other personal care services (812113, 81219)] -266.8031 2039.847 -0.131 0.896 -4264.870 3731.263
C(ind02)[T.Drycleaning and laundry services (8123)] -2282.7262 2206.938 -1.034 0.301 -6608.289 2042.836
C(ind02)[T.Funeral homes, cemeteries, and crematories (8122)] -2626.2434 3135.330 -0.838 0.402 -8771.439 3518.952
C(ind02)[T.Other personal services (8129)] -199.1535 2217.891 -0.090 0.928 -4546.184 4147.877
C(ind02)[T.Religious organizations (8131)] -2863.7055 1488.320 -1.924 0.054 -5780.789 53.378
C(ind02)[T.Civic, social, advocacy organizations, and grantmaking and giving services (8132, 8133, 8134)] 8513.9769 1463.961 5.816 0.000 5644.638 1.14e+04
C(ind02)[T.Labor unions (81393)] 1.934e+04 3463.138 5.583 0.000 1.25e+04 2.61e+04
C(ind02)[T.Business, professional, political, and similar organizations (8139 exc. 81393)] 1.646e+04 2179.500 7.554 0.000 1.22e+04 2.07e+04
C(ind02)[T.Private households (814)] -3089.5909 1865.765 -1.656 0.098 -6746.459 567.277
C(ind02)[T.Executive offices and legislative bodies (92111, 92112, 92114, pt. 92115)] 6798.3444 1320.189 5.150 0.000 4210.797 9385.892
C(ind02)[T.Public finance activities (92113)] 1.374e+04 1762.387 7.795 0.000 1.03e+04 1.72e+04
C(ind02)[T.Other general government and support (92119)] 9480.3343 2676.199 3.542 0.000 4235.030 1.47e+04
C(ind02)[T.Justice, public order, and safety activities (922, pt. 92115)] 8924.4905 1197.308 7.454 0.000 6577.787 1.13e+04
C(ind02)[T.Administration of human resource programs (923)] 6796.9979 1359.708 4.999 0.000 4131.992 9462.003
C(ind02)[T.Administration of environmental quality and housing programs (924, 925)] 8922.8101 1751.012 5.096 0.000 5490.855 1.24e+04
C(ind02)[T.Administration of economic programs and space research (926, 927)] 1.53e+04 1490.058 10.265 0.000 1.24e+04 1.82e+04
C(ind02)[T.National security and international affairs (928)] 1.755e+04 1346.175 13.034 0.000 1.49e+04 2.02e+04
C(ind02)[T.Armed Forces] -1.991e-13 6.58e-13 -0.303 0.762 -1.49e-12 1.09e-12
female -1.086e+04 175.702 -61.815 0.000 -1.12e+04 -1.05e+04
age 431.3093 5.978 72.153 0.000 419.593 443.025
age_squared -0.2084 1.066 -0.195 0.845 -2.298 1.881
Omnibus: 14403.878 Durbin-Watson: 1.863
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 21479.137
Skew: 0.874 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 4.070 Cond. No. 1.27e+16

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 4.37e-24. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.

Exercise 13

Now that we’ve added industry fixed effects, what groups are we implicitly treated as counter-factuals for one another now?

# Men and women of the same age and education

Exercise 14

What happened to your estimate of the gender wage gap when you added industry fixed effects? What does that tell you about the industries chosen by women as opposed to men?

# The coefficient went down, suggesting that women tend to be more
# likely to work in lower paying industries (e.g. childcare)
# than men (engineering).

    f"""If fell from {m_educ.params['female']:.2f} dollars to
          {m_industry.params['female']:.2f} dollars, a change of
          {m_industry.params['female'] - m_educ.params['female']:.2f} dollars.
          So about {np.abs((m_industry.params['female'] - m_educ.params['female'])/m_educ.params['female']):.1%}
          of gender wage inequality is due to industry sorting."""

If fell from -12995.23 dollars to
          -10860.93 dollars, a change of
          2134.31 dollars.
          So about 16.4%
          of gender wage inequality is due to industry sorting.

When you’re done, please come read this discussion.